
July 01, 2020 | SPOC Automation

Reform Your Capacitors to Keep Your Drive Humming

Capacitors are an integral part of a variable speed drive. If your drive has been sitting idle, either non-powered in the field or on a shelf in your shop — you may need to reform the capacitors to ensure you avoid safety issues and your drive runs at maximum performance.

Sounds complicated. Sounds difficult.

Actually, no it’s not.

Ricky Holmes, an electrical engineer at SPOC Automation and a member of our technical support team, recently filmed a Two-Minute Drives episode that walks you through the process of reforming your capacitors.

Check it out. It’s an essential skill in the field and he breaks it down to make it easy.

As always, we’d love to talk if you have questions. And until we can meet again in the field, stay safe!